We book the best live entertainment
for private and corporate events in Music City.
Featured Band
Featured Band
Kerr Entertainment Group represents the best live entertainment, cover bands, party bands, and dance bands for your corporate event or private party. If you are looking to book or hire talent for your event, Contact Us for a detailed list of pricing and availabilities!
Not all Artists we work with are listed. Please contact us for a full list of available options for your event.
How to Book the Best Corporate Event Entertainment in Nashville, TN
A great Nashville cover band will make your corporate party or special event come alive. Dance bands (sometimes called party bands or variety bands) perform the top dance hits that you and your attendees know and love. A truly versatile Nashville corporate event band has the ability to mix in a little bit of every style of music! How do you hire the best corporate event entertainment in Nashville, TN? Here are the perfect tips from your Kerr Entertainment Group booking agents.
Tip #1) Watch as many videos of Nashville cover bands as you can Kerr Entertainment Group, LLC will send you a detailed proposal with available entertainment options in your budget range when you submit the Contact Us form with detailed information.
Tip #2) Ask for Reviews and Feedback from other clients There are a lot of event agencies that claim their bands have played for many corporate events. At Kerr Entertainment Group, LLC our bands have not only played for many corporations (including Fortune 500 companies) but have also been vetted by our entertainment agents. We want to make sure to strengthen your brand with the entertainment you choose to book. Let us provide you with our feedback from past experiences!
Tip #3) Book Early One of the greatest things about booking entertainment for corporate events is that typically they are in the middle of the week. Live event entertainment booked Sunday-Thursday is typically much more cost-effective than premium weekend dates. However, a great Nashville corporate event band might book up to one year in advance. The sooner you start the entertainment booking process, the more likely you will be able to book the Nashville corporate entertainment of your choice.
Additional Services
Songwriters In Concert
Perfect for:
Captive Audiences
All Star Jam
Perfect for: